Location: California

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Periodically the wife of a nephew sends email updates about what her three little children are saying. I thought I'd share some of what she wrote this week. It is always interesting to see the world through the eyes of a child.

Tyke 1: There's a, actually there's two.
Dad: What's the problem?
Tyke 1: We can't have babies because if we have babies there will be a whole flood of babies!
Dad: What's the other problem?
Tyke 1: Then there will be a whole flood of diapers!

Tyke 1: Look, Tyke 2! I have a popsicle and you don't.
Mom: Tyke 1, if you have something Tyke 2 doesn't, it's better to say nothing at all.
Tyke 1: No, it's not! It's better to eat it fast!

Tyke 1: My tummy is feeling sick and I know why. It's because I have no bump here! (pointing to his Adam's Apple) There's supposed to be a bump there and I only have a bump in the back!

Tyke 1: (thoughtfully) Mom, it takes a really long time to get big, doesn't it?

Tyke 2: (in typical low monotone) I'm a funny guy and so is Tyke 3.

Tyke 1: I want cheese and spices with my noodles. May I please have cheese and spices with my noodles? I want cheese and spices with my...
Mom: I heard you the first time, Tyke 1. You don't need to say it overand over again!
Tyke 1: I was just reminding you.

Tyke 1: We live in New Mexico. There's an old Mexico, but we live in the new one.

Tyke 3: Dog, Duck, Wow, Wook!

Tyke 1: Who threw dirt all over the table? Oh, yeah...I did. I tried to throwa dirt clod at Tyke 3 and it went over him and landed on the table.

Dad:(To Tyke 2, who was standing on the rim of the toilet bowl.) Tyke 2, you don't need to stand up there to go potty.
Tyke 2: (monotone) I won't get in there. If I get in there Mom won't know where to find me.

Tyke 1: Mom, why can't we get a dog?
Mom: Because I don't want to clean up its poop.
Tyke 1: (later that evening) Mom, which animals don't poop?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, those quotes make me want to go out and have kids. Seriously, so funny.

9:22 PM, September 13, 2006  

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